04 September 2011

Interview with a Vampire

Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice is a very well written book. I found it enjoyable to read and her portrayal of vampires interesting. The beginning of the novel reminded me of Frankenstein written by Mary Shelley because both monsters start by telling their story to someone about their troubles and woes in life. Frankenstein starts with the letters, then the introduction of the beast, and afterwards he tells him his story about what happens. In Interview with a Vampire, the reporter records the life of a vampire named Louis. Louis tells the him the past couple hundred years of his life about living on the plantation, the downfall of his brother's death, meeting Lestat, moving because of people were getting suspicious, feeding off of rats, meeting Claudia, Claudia's attempt to kill Lestat, meeting Armand, Claudia dies, Armand and Louis live together, and then finally Louis ends up by himself. I have watched the movie before reading the book which helped a little bit, but the books are always better. Anne Rice's stories contain drama, suspense, and entice the emotions. She can be very descriptive sometimes which is a little bothersome, but nonetheless her novels are amazing. The fact that there was only a little hint of homosexual relationships in this book makes it even more captivating. I didn't catch it until Louis was having thoughts about Armand and Claudia talking about how Louis loves Armand more than her. I didn't even think of it that way before. It makes me want to read the other books in the Vampire Chronicles. The fact that Louis is still in contact with his soul throughout the book makes him slightly more human than vampire and the fact that he ate off of rats numerous times. That aspect of the novel caught me the most because it really made me think, what if I were to become a vampire? How would I handle it? Would I feed off of rats or humans? It was weird to think of and honestly I would probably be the worst vampire ever. I wouldn't be able to kill anything without feel any remorse or guilt. So I would either kill myself somehow or eat off of animals. Yes, it is survival of the fittest and vampires would be the supreme being, but the fact that they have to hide their nature would just be a bother and very boring to me. It would be hard to live without ever seeing the sunset again. In general, vampires are pretty awesome, but when they have to live with all those restrictions it would suck, literally. ;) I think that vampires need to find another person in comparison to their character or soul mate in order to stay sane and keep alive. It gives them a purpose in life to live and stay alive, without love there is no life at all. That's why vampires seem so wise and romantic. They are trying to find that one person right for them. The chase keeps them going and helps them pursue their journey to find another. “It has been said that we need just three things in life: Something to do, Something to look forward to And someone to love.” -Anonymous

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