29 August 2011

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies written by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith might have potential to be a successful book but personally, I fine Jane Austen's original works to be amazing and fantastic. When I decided to read this book I didn't think it would follow the story exactly like the book, but it did. If Pride and Prejudice and Zombies had a moderately different story line it could have been very good. For example, the British TV mini series Lost in Austen written by Guy Andrews. Now that is a Jane Austen story with a twist, very well written and interesting. There were about a handful of scenes that were Grahame-Smith's ideas including zombies, but otherwise it is Austen's plot, characters, and story line itself. At the first ball everything is normal and goes along with the original story besides the attack of the zombies. Some secondary characters die and the Bennett girls form the pentagram of death move outward to kill the undreadfuls. I thought that part was pretty funny. Of all the characters he had to pick Charlotte to become a zombie. Why? I wouldn't mind Mr. Collins becoming a zombie and have Charlotte still live. Then again maybe Mr. Collins doesn't really deserve to die, yes he is a rather annoying bugger, but in the original story he doesn't die. Besides all the zombies, ninja, and warrior mentality the book is quite the same as Pride and Prejudice, minus Charlotte and Mr. Collins dying along with some other non famous characters. I think of Elizabeth Bennett to be an independent, opinionated, and educated young woman, but not bloodthirsty. Grahame-Smith portrayed Elizabeth as a girl educated in the martial arts who only loves to kill zombies and not much else. This is basically the guy version of Pride and Prejudice. It was also hard for me to keep reading and to finish the book because it didn't interest me at all after I read about Charlotte being stricken by the plague. I have read Pride and Prejudice before so I had a good idea of what was going to happen. Honestly, Grahame-Smith was smart to try and pull off the combination of his zombies into Austen's story. Thats why this book had its little spurt of fame but otherwise it wasn't much different or creative. I have to give Grahame-Smith points for trying, but otherwise it could have been better. Jane Austen is a very well-known author and her most famous book written was Pride and Prejudice. So writing a spin off of her book is a very hard thing to do and so far no one has accomplished that aspect yet.

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