20 September 2011

The Art of Bone by Jeff Smith

Reading Jeff Smith's The Art of Bone has opened up my mind to new possibilities in the art world, especially comics. He started inventing the idea of Bone at the young age of nine. To be dedicated to something that long has to be worth it in the end, at least we all hope it will. He was literally able to live his dream in creating his ultimate character Bone. His comic contains amazing plots, storytelling, and also involves a moral aspect to his work. The fact that he is able to accomplish so many great qualities in his work inspires me to stick to my dreams as an artist. His work reminds me most of J.R.R. Tolkien, which isn't a bad thing because his amount of work is breathtaking. I also read in the book that he was inspired by Walt Kelly's Pogo. I wasn't too interested into comics as a little kid, or now for that matter, but after reading The Art of Bone it has changed my perspective on comics and opened my mind to new beginnings. His character Fone Bone is a very strong, funny, adventurous, and cute character. He shape is all organic, looks a little like a ghost because he is all white, but also has the body shape and movements like a human being. What I didn't like about Fone was his nose, but as I read more it sorta grew on me. There is also Fone's cousin in the comic whose name is Phoney Bone. His personality type is cynical, greedy, and egotistic. Though the two cousins' personalities are the opposite, they work together well in the comic because they compliment each other. Smith's addition of Thorn, the talented and beautiful female character, is genius because it adds a touch of romance to their spunky voyage. You can immediately tell that Fone likes Thorn from the moment he meets her and their journey interacting with each other is fun. About the background story with the first dragon great dragon Mim and dreamland. Mim was the original Queen of the dragons as well as the creator of the valley. She was eventually possessed by the Lord of the Locusts and because of this the other dragons were forced to turn her into stone so the Lord of the Locusts wouldn't destroy their world. Reading about that I thought was a very unique take on how the valley was made. Overall, I like reading about Fone Bone and his adventures with his friends. It was comical, interesting, and a unique take on a epic journey while learning about moral values. I will definitely recommend it to my peers.

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